The list of proceedings doctor Badanov”s V.G.  

The list of proceedings doctor Badanov”s V.G.
Century 1992.
1. To a question on the economic help zemstvo establishments to country facilities in the North of Russia. // the Country facilities: history and the present. Materials to the All-Russia scientific conference. Vologda, 1992. Æ.2. æ.146-148.
2. Rajamaan aiheita //" Karelia express ". 1992. № 1. P.14-15.
2á.Panfinnism in Kareliya // " Petrozavodsk, №64-65, on November, 15-22th 1992.
3. About activity zemski establishments in cooperation of a cottage industry. // Problems of history, the theory and practice of cooperative movement in Russia. Materials of the All-Russia scientifically-practical seminar. Tyumen, 1993. æ.10-11.
3á. Our general history (about national problems in Kareliya) // "Kareliya", №№ 27-28, on July, 7-13th and 14-20 1993.
4.Olonez female eparchial school //Sergi Radoneshski and the present. Materials of scientific conference. Petrozavodsk, 1994. æ.91-95.
5. From archive of a zemstvo // Zemstvo the bulletin. M., 1994. №1. æ.17, 31.
6. Use Olonez by a zemstvo of the finnish experience at carrying out of an agrarian reform of P.A.Stolypina. // Questions of history of the European North. Petrozavodsk, 1994. æ.11-15.
7. Experience of the present is impossible without experience of the past. // Zemski the bulletin., 1994. 3. æ.27-30.
8. Activity zemstvo establishments in the field of the economic help to village on materials of archives of Vologda and Petrozavodsk. // Actual problems arheografii, source studies and historiographies. Vologda, 1995. æ.210-211.
9. A zemstvo and school. // Traditions of formation in Kareliya. Petrozavodsk, 1995. æ.22-23.
10. About economic activities zemstvo establishments in the North of Russia // Zemstvo the bulletin. M. 1995.№5. æ.17-19
11. History of a commercial and industrial class in Russia // Bases of economy. Petrozavodsk, 1995. æ.399-405.
A zemstvo in the European North of Russia (1867 1920úú.) / the Dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of historical sciences. Petrozavodsk, 1996.
As the manuscript. A zemstvo in the European North of Russia (1867 1920úú.) the/author''s abstract of the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of historical sciences. Petrozavodsk, 1996. As the manuscript.
12. Russian history oberegatel // N.G.Ustrjalov. Russian history till 1855. Petrozavodsk, 1997. æ.5-20. 1998.
13. The forgotten Columbus of Russian history-. G.Ustrjalov // the Book review (Moscow). On March, №12.24th 1998.
14. Zemstvo medicine in the North of Russia. // "Sever" .1998. №11. æ.127-135. 1999.
15. Zemstvo establishments of the European North per 1917-1918 // Questions of history of the European North. Petrozavodsk, 1999. æ94-107.
16. The Chronicle of events (1970-1995) // Kareliya: history and the present in documents and photos. Petrozavodsk, 2000. æ.111-151.
17. The finance of Kareliya. / Badanov V.G., Gnetnev K.V. - the Chapter 1-15 Petrozavodsk, 2002. With 7-137.

18. From history of becoming trading-promyshlenogo a class in Kareliya (XVIII - XX centuries) // Becoming of business in Republic Kareliya: experience and problems of a transition period 1991-2003. Petrozavodsk, 2003. æ.93-119.
19. Formation of budgets of local self-management (Experience zemstvo establishments). // Problems of perfection of budgetary policy of regions, cities and communes of Russia and the countries of Northern Europe. Petrozavodsk, 2003. æ.14-17.
20. Prelate Feofan the Hermit (Dialects) - rector Olonetskoj of a theological seminary (Okt.1855 - May 1856) // Orthodoxy in Kareliya. Materials of 2-nd International scientific conference, devoted to the 775 anniversary of a christening of karelians. Petrozavodsk, 2003. æ.234-244.
21. Piispa Feofan, Aunuksen pappisseminnaarin rektori // Carelia. №10.2003. P.103-106.
22. Olonez a zemstvo and nonscholastic adult education (zemstvo libraries). // Local traditions in national culture of Russian North. Materials of 4-th International scientific conference "Riabinin readings-2003 ". Petrozavodsk, 2003. æ151-151.
23. To a question on activity Lodeinipolskogo of a district zemstvo //Priladoshe and Russian North: history, traditions, the present., 2003. æ.12-14.
24. Olonez a zemstvo and the organization of national libraries // the Library bulletin of Kareliya. 8 (15). 1-st conference of Library Association of Republic Kareliya. Documents and materials. Petrozavodsk, 2004. æ.38-41.
25. Financial establishments Olonetskoj of province in 2-nd floor. XIX - XX centuries // Bulletin karelien filiale With-ZAGS. Æ.2. Petrozavodsk, 2004. æ.4-17.
26. Zemstvo establishments and development of cooperation in the European North of Russia in. XX centuries. // Problems of perfection of budgetary policy of regions and municipalities of Russia and the countries of Northern Europe. Petrozavodsk, 2004. With. 10-12.
27. Zemstvo nonscholastic adult education and creation in province Olonetskoj of a network of national libraries (1908-1916) // Problems of development of the humanity in Northwest of Russia: experience, traditions, innovations. Æ.1. Petrozavodsk, 2004. With. 71-74.
28. V.G.Badanov, N.A.Korablev, A.J.Zhukov. History of economy of Kareliya. The book 1. Petrozavodsk, 2005. - 192 with.
29. V.G.Badanov, N.A.Korablyov. Stolypin an agrarian reform and development of an agriculture in Kareliya (1906-1914úú.) // the Bulletin of Karelian branch S-ZAGS. The collection of clauses: Part II, 2005. With. 3-11.
30. Banks in pre-revolutionary Petrozavodsk // Problems of perfection of budgetary policy of regions and municipalities of Russia and the countries of Northern Europe. The book 1. Petrozavodsk, 2005. æ.17-22.
31. Peter Stolypina''s Agrarian reform // "Kareliya", № 110, on October, 4th 2005.
32. NEP and bank system of Kareliya // "Kareliya", №138, on December, 8th 2005.
33. From history of private business in Kareliya in екатерининскую an epoch (60-90-Ñ years XVIIIâ.) //Dershavin the collection 2. Petrozavodsk, 2006. æ.206-220.
34. Zemstvo medicine in the European North of Russia: becoming, development, results. // the Bulletin of Karelian branch SZAGS-2006. The collection of clauses. A part II. Petrozavodsk, 2006. æ.3-16.
35. Deputies of the State Duma of Russia from province Olonetskoj (1906 1917úú.) // Management: history, a science, culture. Theses of reports. Petrozavodsk, 2006. With. 3-7.
36. Financial establishments and the budget of province Olonetskoj in 2-nd floor. XIX. // Problems of perfection of budgetary policy of regions and municipalities of Russia. Petrozavodsk, 2006. æ.3-7.
37. History of Economy of Kareliya. The book 3. Economy of Kareliya in a transition period (1991-2006úú.) . Petrozavodsk, 2006. In the co-authorship.
38. Zemstvo medicine in the North // "Kareliya", № 11, on February, 2nd 2006.
39. The State Advice // "Kareliya", №33, on March, 30th 2006.
40 sits. The industry of Kareliya at Peter I // "Kareliya", №78, on May, 25th 2006.
41. Olonez money of 1918 // "Kareliya", №66, on June, 22nd 2006.
42. Zemstvo nonscholastic adult education // "Kareliya", № 55, on July, 20th 2006.
43. Zemstvo mail of Kareliya // "Kareliya", № 84, on August, 3rd 2006.
44. Currency reform of 1947 in Kareliya // "Kareliya", №120, on October, 26th 2006
45. The First persons of edge Olonetskogo // "Kareliya", №128, on November, 16th 2006.
46. Zemstvo establishments of the European North (1867-1918úú.): Political aspekt. // the Bulletin of Karelian branch SZAGS. Petrozavodsk, 2007. æ.269-287.
47. Private business in Kareliya // "Kareliya", №7, on January, 25th 2007.
48. Solovezkie Paul Florenskogo''s letters // "Kareliya", №21, on March, 1st 2007.
49. Zemstvoes of province Olonetskoj in 1917 // "Kareliya", №45, on April, 26th 2007.
50. The population of Kareliya in XV-XVII centuries the historik-demographic analysis // "Kareliya", №50, on May, 12th 2007.
51. Credit cooperation in Kareliya in the beginning of XX century // "Kareliya", On June, 68,26th 2007ú.
52. Zemstvoes of province Olonetskoj and a political life of Russia (1867-1914úú.) // "Kareliya", On July, 72,5th 2007ú.
53. Construction "Murmanki" // "Kareliya", on August, 2nd 2007ú.
54. V.G.Badanov, L.I.Vavulinskaja, V.A.Slepkov, S.N.Filimonchik. History of construction in Kareliya. Petrozavodsk, 2007.206 with.
55. Ethnographic materials about karelians and vepsan on pages of " Bulletin Olonez of a provincial zemstvo " (1907-1918úú.) // Riabinin readings-2007. Materials V scientific konferenz on studying national culture of Russian North. Petrozavodsk.2007. æ.12-14.
56. From history of private business in Kareliya in last third XVIIIâ. // Pimenov readings-2007. Petrozavodsk, 2007. æ.25-36.
57. Zemstvoes of Russian North from February by October: non-realized alternativ. // Instituzionalnye reforms: history and the present.Vologda.2007. æ.162-171.
58. Badanov V.G., Korablev N.A.Use zemskimi establishments of Kareliya of the finnish experience during realization of an agrarian reform of P.A.Stolypina. // The Bulletin of the Karelian branch the nord-west-registry office. Petrozavodsk, 2008. æ.278-288.
59. Budgets KASSR in 1920-1930-Ñ : Myths and realnost. // Problems of perfection of budgetary policy of regions and municipalities of Russia. Petrozavodsk, 2008. æ.6-8.
60. Feofan the Hermit in Karelia: Lesson cleanliness and pokajanija. // Tolerance: Art to live together. Petrozavodsk, 2008. æ.230-241.
61. Checks Olonetsky//Kareliya. The encyclopaedia. Т.1. Petrozavodsk, 2007. С.176.
62.Badanov V. G, Korablev N.A.Olonetskoe a zemstvo, the finnish agrarian experience and P.A.Stolypina''s reform in Kareliya//Strategy and the mechanism management:experience and prospects. Vologda, 2008. С.101-113.
63. Badanov V. G, Korablev N.A. "Great reforms" 1860-1870th and introduction zemstvon establishments in Kareliya.//the Derzhavinsky collection-2008. С.7-26.
64. Formation and the organisation of building business in Kareliya in XV–XVII centuries//the Derzhavinsky collection 2008. С.27-38.

Текущие проекты
Badanov Vadim Georgievitsh, doctor of Histori, the senior lecturer of faculty of humanitarian disciplines Karelien Filial With-registry office in Petrozavodsk.
Nikolay Gerasimovich Ustrjalov (1805-1870). Incorrectly which destiny - almost full oblivion concerns to number of those domestic historians. It especially surprisingly and unfairly in relation to such outstanding scientist as Ustrjalov, developed in due time the original concept of "pragmatical" system of Russian history. Nikolay Gerasimovicha''s name by the right should be put in one number with such coryphaeuses of a domestic historiography as. N. M.Karamsin, With. M. of Nightingales, Century O.Kljuchevsky, N.I.Kostomarov, D.I.Ilovajsky, S.F.Platonov. Merit Ustrjalovs in business of becoming and development of historical formation in Russia is great. A quarter of a century it headed faculty of Russian history of the S.-Petersburg university, was the author of the first printed rate of lectures for the universities, the first textbooks on Russian history for average educational institutions and schools. In the lectures. Ustrjalov for the first time in a domestic practice began to pay special attention to analysis of historical sources, their ordering and classification. Always the diligent researcher scrupulously working with a source, it and acquainted students with receptions and features of this work of the historian, becoming one of founders of a domestic source study. Contribution Ustrjalovs to development of a technique of historical researches, to the decision of theoretical problems of historical knowledge was rather essential. Its scientifically-methodological composition " About system of pragmatical Russian history " (1836) In many respects has not lost the value and today. This work of the scientist has definitely shown, that in a basis of studying of Russian history can and the serious scientific bases should be put and that " hardly probable there is a science which would demand more than history, accuracy and logic correctness in words " (1, with. 31). Contribution Ustrjalovs and to studying a Peter epoch was not less significant. Multivolume and, unfortunately, its not ended work " History of reign of Peter Velikogo " above which the historian worked last years lives, has not lost And today. Historical research Ustrjalovs of an epoch of Peter I on the scientific value has surpassed the similar composition belonging a feather of its contemporary With S. M. Solovjov, having conceded to it, perhaps, only in a literary syllable and style of a statement. Nikolay Gerasimovich Ustrjalov (1805-1870) - The native of serfs of the Oryol province, has finished «-philological faculty of the St.-Petersburg university. A quarter of a century N.Ustrjalov headed faculty of Russian history of the St.-Petersburg university, there was the author of the first printed rate of lectures " a Russian history " for the students, the first textbooks on history of Russia for average educational institutions and ministerial schools. In the lectures it for the first time in a domestic practice began to pay special attention to analysis of historical sources. It is possible to consider as the main merit of the scientist its contribution to studying an epoch of Peter I. Fundamental multivolume work Устрялова " History of reign of Peter Velikogo " (unfortunately, not ended) became the basic result of long-term activity of the historian, result of its long searches in archives of Russia and the Europe. Per 1849 the scientist has presented the manuscript of the first volume to " History of reign of Peter Velikogo " for acquaintance. However printing of this book for the different reasons was postponed for uncertain term. N.G.Ustrjalov also has taken advantage of this "respite" for trips in the historical places connected with activity of Peter Velikogo. In 1850 the scientist has received the sanction to a trip " for a review of historical places ", connected with activity of tsar-reformer. " To difficultly historian, - it wrote, - not seen coast of the Vorskla or устьев Don, to speak about the Poltava battle, about a capture of Azov and many other things events, for clearings which careful studying the district had on them resolute influence " is necessary. Carrying out the plan of a trip, Устрялов has examined a place of the Poltava fight, the Tula small-arms factories, the rests of the Voronezh shipyard, and also has visited Perekop, Crimea, Odessa, Kishinev, Kiev, Mogilyov. In the summer 1851 Professor Ustrjalov has gone from с.-úá to province Olonetskuju for a review here memorable places of a Peter epoch. Its travel ran through Лодейное the Field and Petrozavodsk on falls Kivac and the first Russian resort opened at Peter I in 1719, - Marzialnye Waters. Together with it to Kareliya there have gone its son Feodor and the brother with the wife which sister was married for A.Lachinovym lived " near Petrozavodsk ". Thus, for family Ustrjalovyh it was not only a business trip, but also an opportunity to meet relatives. By the way speaking, the wife of the scientist - Natalia Jakovlevna Kasovskaja who by then has already died, was born in the Karelian city of Olonets. Examining places around of a mineral source (the resort already by then did not exist, and the patients who are passed treatment, was all three) the historian has made " for memory " some records in travelling magazine. Here that the well-known historian has written down at survey of ours " Marzialnye waters " in the summer of 1851: " Versts in eight from Koncezersky a factory for Cabozero there is the mineral source opened in 1714 molotovoi by the worker which, apparently from its request, has recovered on it from intimate illness in three days. Soon after that the source has attracted Peter Velikogo''s attention. It is in the extensive hollow, a such valley reminding by self in general, between two mountains, поросших a dense wood. On its middle the stream proceeds. In vicinities of a source it is a lot of Copper ore. The source as Marienbad Kreizbrunn, forms kolodez not deep, but very plentiful water so 30 tubs which took from it daily one patient, at all it did not exhaust. It is covered derevjannoju by a tower like a chapel. Water cold, has taste Kreizbrunn, only in it much less acuteness and gas. It drink and use on baths. Above it (a source. -Vadim Badanov), Steps in fifty, there is a wooden church in the name of Peter, renewed in Anna''s reign, poor, but beautiful architecture, with images on manners of the Italian painting. Zaprestolnoe the crucifixion wooden. From the inventory of the 1730 which has kept in factory archive on which the corporal accepted all structures was there from the soldier, it is visible, that there there were palaces of sovereign Peter I, its spouses and tsarinas Praskovi Fedorovny and a years palace. Now the bottom wreaths of logs of one of palaces on four rests, a little above church, against an input were kept only. Ahead two deep holes, possibly, cellars. Palaces are disassembled for construction Copper a factory which also does not exist. Between holes there are two centenary birches: on one Peter''s shape - whether game of the nature is visible or is valid Grown a portrait, maybe, it cut out. A site charming: from mountain, above a palace, a charming kind on Munozero. Three log huts - the house of the sexton and two more - are borrowed by patients whom in 1851 was three, - unique buildings at a mineral source ". On it of note Ustrjalov come to an end. From Marzialnye Waters Nikolay Ustrjalov has directed on the well-known falls Kivac sung by its favourite poet of R.Derzhavinym - first governor Olonetskogo of edge. In vicinities Kivacs travellers have appeared in the early morning, and at the first beams of bright northern sun admired this natural phenomenon. Here it is necessary to mention, that already for some versts up to a falls the historian, as he said, heard noise of falling water. N.Ustrjalov then has risen on " top Falls " and observed " in all horror and beauty " really a fine and unforgettable show. The trip to Kareliya for professor N.Ustrjalova has appeared short. Its presence at university Was required. And, nevertheless, even such brief acquaintance of the well-known historian to our edge was remembered to it for a long time, and to us, inhabitants of Kareliya, still had rather interesting data on position of a resort " Marzialnye waters " in the middle of XIX century.

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